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Though positive at heart, I lost the lust for life in my teens and went into therapy. I learned to take action, face fears, express them and be more transparent. A quest to know myself and to love started and I have expanded my boundaries ever since.


With my husband I have lived on several continents, adapting to other ways of living, and meeting the nicest people. It has asked me to be more centered and self reliant, to see and accept the goodness in me and others. Over the last decade an awareness has grown how to shape my life with my heart at its core. It is a continuing path of accepting, loving and playing.


In the midst of our travels, I discovered the power of play. Forced to reassess my capabilities, I sought activities that brought me happiness. It was my children who illuminated the possibilities of incorporating play into every facet of life. This realization led me to pursue Life Coaching (through Laudius)—a path that resonated with my core. 


My journey continued through the realms of positive psychology, where a book on Play by Stuart Brown inspired me to dive deeper into the lessons my kids were teaching. I embraced training as a yoga teacher and a happiness facilitator, with the Museum of Happiness


With this attitude and diverse background, I have been developing courses, to find the beauty within. It's not about what life throws at us, but how we respond. Let's embark on a journey where joy, play, and beauty intersect. 

me enjoying life

Choosing joy is =  best decision


having fun while teaching

   Yoga = connection with Self



With total passion I played basketball. I loved the skill, the speed, the togetherness and used it to get rid of tension. Over the years it became more an exercise, though it took a car accident to become aware of the demands I made on my body, the lack of joy, and to realize I needed gentler movements and a joining of heart and mind.


I turned to yoga to ease my body, with inner peace as a bonus, and I started to look forward to these moments of contact with self. A wish grew to share these rewards with others and I looked for a professional training that suited me. I found Yoga Like Water where I learned to lay back, let things unfold, conquer fears, laugh, and trust my body’s innate strength.


Now I am on my own path of sharing, through yoga, all I know to connect with our health, peace and, above all, joy. 

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